Dungeons & Dragons Website
Home page for the website
Create a set of icons representing five player classes in the Dungeons and Dragons Universe, including Wizard, Bard, Barbarian, Rouge, and Druid.
Also, create a website in which the icons can be placed and used effectively.
September 2024
September 2024
Design Process
The first step of the design process was to determine what object best represents each plyer class. After research, I landed on a spell book for the wizard (because they are a magic user class that get their magical abilities through studying), a musical instrument, in this case a lute (because they are a magic user class that get their magical abilities through performance), a battle axe for barbarian (because they are a fighting class who are famous for their strength and large weapons), a key and dagger for rogue (because they are a class known for being sneaky and breaking into places and famous for using a dagger and getting close to the enemy) and a fusion of a human and bear hand for druid (because they are a magic user class that get their magical abilities from nature and can turn into different animals).
These designs are used on the website's landing page.
More complex icon
Knowing this design would be used on a website, I decided to create additional and more complex icons for each class to avoid repetition on different pages of the site.
These designs were used on the individual pages for each character.
Bard Page on the website, with full class descriptions
Additional information
Considering that some might visit the website not knowing much about the game and the player classes, additional cards were designed to be revealed when hovering on the icons on the landing pages.
Home page on the website, hovering over the Barbarian class card reveals information about the class
the following is the exploration of the entire website:
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