Ofogh Stationery Store Brand Identity
Create a complete brand identity for Ofogh Stationery Store, including a logo, official papers, staff ID, and social media uniform.
Also, add a couple of promotional merch items.
Design Process
The first step of creating an identity was to design a logo for the store. After doing research and a few weeks of sketching, it was decided to create a work mark logo using a custom-designed font. After visiting the store location and seeing the colorful space, it was decided to stay true to the vibe and the feeling of the store atmosphere, so the primary colors were used in the logo.
Some design explorations
Official Papers and Social Media
After finalizing the logo, a visual language was established for the brand, which would be the building block for the rest of the identity.
The official papers included letterhead (two sizes), receipt, business card, staff ID, and an envelope.
Official Papers
staff ID
The same principle was applied to the design of the Instagram uniform.
Instagram Uniform
Promotional Merchandise
For their promotion, mugs, flash drives, and reusable shopping bags were designed using the same visual system.
For their promotion, mugs, flash drives, and reusable shopping bags were designed using the same visual system.
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